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Recognizing Bipolar Disorder in Loved Ones

Bipolar disorder is typically a lifelong illness with episodes that are highly variable and unique to each individual. Treatment is complex and often involves more than one medication over time.
Bipolar disorder is typically a lifelong illness with episodes that are highly variable and unique to each individual. Treatment is complex and often involves more than one medication over time.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that frequently goes undiagnosed because the symptoms can be so hard to identify. This disorder can have a huge impact on a person’s ability to handle everyday activities.

Some people might even hide their distress from the people they love. As a result, it is not uncommon for people to spend years or even decades engaged in a battle against bipolar disorder.

Educating yourself about bipolar disorders will make it easier to figure out whether or not a loved one might have it. If you suspect that a friend or family member may be dealing with bipolar disorder, keep reading to learn more about recognizing bipolar disorder in loved ones. Bipolar disorder treatment at Xanadu Healthcare provides relief. Recognizing Bipolar Disorder in Loved Ones The main sign of bipolar disorder is extreme mood swings that go from emotional highs to emotional lows. Manic episodes cause people to seem very energetic, euphoric, or irritable. During depressive episodes, your loved one may seem sad, upset, or tired all the time.

Your loved one may be in a manic episode if they are unusually happy or energetic. They may have an exaggerated sense of confidence and make poor, risky decisions. Signs of mania can also be unusually high levels of talkativeness, a lack of sleep, irritability, and being distracted. If your loved one is in a depressive mode, they may lose interest in activities or responsibilities. Some may struggle with feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or suicide. Often, a depressive episode is accompanied by fatigue, excessive sleeping, difficulty concentrating, or restlessness.

Keep in mind that the periods of depressive and manic symptoms can vary a lot. Some people have manic episodes and depressive episodes that last just a week or two, while others may have symptoms of mania or depression that last for years. The median duration for either period of mood was found to be 13 weeks. Symptoms can be quite mild, so your loved one may just seem slightly energized or lethargic instead of having full-blown mania and depression every time. Some triggers to bipolar disorder symptoms include changing seasons, pregnancy, life changes, or puberty. How to Distinguish Bipolar Disorder from Other Conditions Identifying bipolar disorder can be a little tricky because bipolar disorder symptoms are often fairly like the symptoms of other mental health conditions. It is most frequently confused with depression. However, depression rarely causes periods of hyper, excited, upbeat, or agitated behaviour. Periods of mania might seem similar to ADHD, but ADHD tends to cause constant distractibility. Individuals with bipolar disorder are more at risk for impulsive behaviour, so they may also deal with substance abuse from trying to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, the effects of a substance abuse disorder can mimic bipolar mood swings. Therefore, it can be hard to tell the difference between the two until after attending co-occurring rehabilitation services at Xanadu Healthcare for both disorders. Living with Bipolar Disorder While these individuals have their own challenges and their own stories to tell, most people who have untreated forms of bipolar disorder live in a difficult or uncomfortable state. An episode of mania can be so intense that individuals are incapable of cooking, cleaning, going to work or caring for their children.

Some people are unable to concentrate, going from one half-finished project to another. Others may become delusional, believing they are famous or wealthy. Some people might feel fabulous during this time, but some feel unable to relax or to quiet down. When the emotions wear off, they are asked to deal with the consequences of their behaviour, and some might even be asked to explain why they acted in such a reckless manner. These might be questions that are difficult, or even impossible, to answer.

The depression of bipolar disorder can be crippling and last for months on end. People might just be unable to improve, even as the people around them tell them to get up and do something about their mood. Nothing seems to help, and no changes seem to make any difference at all.

Some forms of bipolar disorder allow people to shift from one mood to another in just minutes, cycling from happy to sad again multiple times each day. People like this might even have mixed episodes in which they feel both mania and depression at the same time. They may have no control over their feelings at all, during these episodes, and they may be terrified about what they might do.

Some people turn to addictive drugs like alcohol or heroin, as a way to cope with their emotional responses. When they feel too high, they may take a drug to push them back down to normalcy. When they feel low, they can take a drug to boost their energy level. It seems reasonable, but unfortunately, it is also a dangerous strategy. Addictive drugs can erode portions of the brain that deal with impulse control and mood regulation, which might make mood swings more common and more intense. What to Do If You Notice Bipolar Disorder Symptoms The most important thing to do if you notice any signs of bipolar disorder in a loved one is to encourage them to seek treatment. Pick a calm, relaxed time to bring up your concerns. Avoid judging them or implying their moods are their fault. Instead, emphasize that you love them and think it might be wise for them to meet with a doctor. Often, people will resist getting bipolar disorder and depression treatment in Gurgaon that they need. In these cases, try to remain patient and loving. If you think they are a danger to themselves or others, you may be able to call emergency numbers and seek an involuntary commitment for them.

Bipolar disorder is challenging for both the affected person and their family members, but it does not have to take control of your life. Getting the right treatment for bipolar disorder can help you learn how to manage symptoms. Bipolar Disorder Treatment, After-care and Counselling Programs at Xanadu Healthcare

Our Mental Health experts at Xanadu Healthcare work closely with each client and their family members in order to customize the best bipolar treatment program possible for that unique individual. Everyone’s needs are different, and Xanadu Healthcare recognizes that.

Contact Xanadu Healthcare for our dedicated bipolar disorder care program that provides high-quality treatment in a relaxing and comforting environment by the best team of psychiatrists and psychologists in India. Take the first step towards treating a bipolar disorder by calling us at 8287712625.

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