Mania is most closely associated with Bipolar disorder and can be explained as abnormal and persistently increased goal-directed activity with abnormally high levels of energy, hyperactivity, extreme mood change and in a sense a person being struck by hysteria.
Mania is a persistent elevated expansion of a particular mood which to be categorised under mania should last for a minimum period of 1 week and should be present for most part of the day.
Manic episodes are a result of over activity of dopamine receptor and it ranges from mild, moderate to extreme mania.
3 or more of the following symptoms should be present, for it to be diagnosed as mania
Inflated self esteem
Grandiosity or big thoughts
Becoming more talkative than usual
Decreased need for sleep
Becomes easily distracted (attention easily drawn to unimportant happenings, objects)
Subjective experience that his/her thoughts are racing
Increase in goal directed activity (socially, at office, school, college or sexual performance)
Irrelevant non-goal directed activity
Excessive involvement in activities that have high risk for negative consequences (foolish business investments, sexual indiscretions, unstoppable shopping sprees)